
Beth Doane

Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Senior Honors Thesis

Department or School

Communication, Media and Theatre Arts

First Advisor

Dr. Chris Wood Foreman


One of the leading causes of death in the United States is also one of the most preventable: stress-related illnesses contribute to millions of fatalities every year. Facilitating better health outcomes requires overhauling how we think about health within our culture and how we approach healthcare, emphasizing prevention over treatment. My research investigates how Eastern cultures have embraced this view for centuries, utilizing alternative practices that reduce stress and promote longevity.

I propose developing a non-profit health center, The Center for Holistic Health, founded on preventative care and alternative medicines. Clients will receive autonomy over their health by learning how to incorporate these practices into their lifestyles. This project will navigate the complexities and nuances of the field and explore how to develop personalized treatment plans for each individual. I will specifically focus on Ayurveda, massage therapy, and aromatherapy based on the significant studies backing their efficacy. To be truly “healthy,” we must nourish our minds and bodies by focusing on prevention, which is currently lacking in our modern healthcare system.
