Date Approved


Date Posted


Degree Type

Open Access Senior Honors Thesis

Department or School


First Advisor

Angela Lukomoski

Second Advisor

Julie Slack


The main purpose of this thesis is to examine, in-depth, the different effects, both physiologically and psychologically, of trauma in pediatric patients. Based on the review of articles that have been written and different studies that have been conducted, an in-depth perspective will be taken to analyze how pediatric trauma affects patients, what gap, if any, exists in the literature, and how Trauma Informed Care can be implemented in the pediatric population to increase patient health outcomes upon admittance into a health care facility as well as maintaining the outcome of the patients' health and recovery upon discharge from the healthcare facility.

The literature review that was conducted aimed to answer four research questions; I) what are the physiological effects of trauma in the pediatric patient, 2) what are the psychological effects of trauma in the pediatric patient, 3) how often do these physiological and psychological effects of trauma occur in the pediatric patient, 4} is there any correlation between physiological and psychological effects and age, gender or traumatic event experienced?

Another aspect of this literature review was to develop the understanding of the differences in pediatric trauma, specifically physical effects of trauma, as well as to develop a greater understanding of the psychological effects of traumatic experiences in pediatric patients and how those effects, both physical and psychological, play a role in any long-term disability of the pediatric patient.
