Date Approved


Date Posted


Degree Type

Campus Only Senior Honors Thesis

Department or School

World Languages

First Advisor

Dr. Alexander Popko, PhD


This senior thesis is a four day Content Based Instruction Unit Plan created for a ninth grade biology classroom that focuses on reaching Latino, English Language Learners. The purpose of this unit is to: 1) address the needs of Latino students in the Content Based Instruction classroom 2) integrate new cultural perspectives into the content area classroom 3) encourage and provide rationale for student-centered learning 4) develop the critical-thinking skills of all students regardless of linguistic ability. The format of this unit plan is modeled after the students regardless of linguistic ability. The format of this unit plan is modeled after the Sheltered Instructional Observational Protocol (Ecchaveria, Short & Voght, 15). Once students have completed this unit plan, all students within the content based Science classroom, regardless of linguistic ability, should be able to 1) confidently use content vocabulary and explain processes 2) think critically about content area subject matter 3) appreciate that culture, content, and linguistic skill are all relevant and intertwined and, finally, 4) become active participants in the content and language learning process. The introduction will further establish how each of these skills shown throughout the unit plan are valued not only in the educational realm but also by society, which will in tum benefit Latino learners immensely.
