LOEX Conference Proceedings 2009

Document Type

Round Up

Publication Date



This presentation will recount the experiences of Miami University’s (Oxford, OH) Faculty Learning Community for Improving Student Research Literacy, a group of professors and librarians who work together on incorporating information literacy into the curriculum.

Faculty members wondered early on how students in their classes conceive of their own information literacy skills. These conversations led to the creation of a survey for students to self-assess the information literacy skills that faculty perceived important, including:

- How and where students are searching for information.

- Student preparation to perform information research, and its applicability outside the library.

- Location(s) where students perform information research.

- Differences in information literacy skill perceptions between class level and experience with paper writing.

Results of the survey of approximately 400 students were matched to professor definitions of information literacy and a common list of desired information literacy skills created by professors at the beginning of the academic year. Study results allowed community members to see where perceptions among professors, librarians, and students were similar, and where they differed greatly. The results led to rich and stimulating conversations about how students perceive information literacy.

Conversation regarding the survey continued as professors revised course assignments as the culminating project in the community. Professors carefully utilized survey results and other experiences from the community to create enhanced syllabi with information literacy skills infused throughout.

This presentation will recount the experiences of members of the learning community, and provide details on how such a survey can be implemented at other institutions. The presentation will also provide time for discussion on how professor/librarian partnerships can provide for a more engaging student experience, and the value of a faculty learning community as a venue for further exploring information literacy.
