
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at EMU


Liz Stevens journeyed into the scholarship of teaching and learning from the academic service-learning area. As one who studied student learning from a service-learning perspective and was not always able to identify the learning that could be attributed to this pedagogy, Liz naturally began to wonder about what learning looks like in her field. Liz's work then moved into examining the growth of professional competency in the speech-language pathology field, seeking to understand how students gain the knowledge that professional hold; this work reflects the theme in this volume of narrowing the expert-novice gap.

This piece compares student work with that of professionals in the field, demonstrating similarities and differences in how each address "real world" speech-language pathology problems. Liz makes a compelling case for providing multiple ways for students to learn course material; since everyone learns differently, the road to professional competence should have many lanes. This piece should be of great interest to anyone who seeks to help their students think more like "professionals in the field," whatever the field may be.
