
Scott Moore

Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Department or School

Leadership and Counseling

Committee Member

Ronald Williamson

Committee Member

Ella Burton

Committee Member

Diane Fox

Committee Member

William J. Price


The purpose of this study was to identify how one district attempted to meet the need for greater accountability in the teacher evaluation process as mandated by law and to describe strategies that were employed by the district to ensure the integration of student achievement data. This research highlighted how a teacher evaluation instrument evolved over a 5-year period from 2011 to the end of the 2014–2015 school year. This qualitative, single-case study comprised examination of interview responses of 17 stakeholders including a former superintendent, technology director, two board of education members, three former principals, and ten teacher-leaders. Open-ended interview questions led to an objective understanding of the process of change and compliance with Michigan legislation, PA 102 (2011). Findings revealed a consensus of the meaning interpreted by the personal experience of the stakeholders about the integration of Danielson’s (1996) teacher evaluation rubric with a system that considered multiple measures of student achievement data. Multiple themes emerged in the analysis of stakeholders’ perceptions of the efforts in one Michigan school district to comply with a state-mandated teacher evaluation process. Paramount among the themes was that trust needed to be involved in the process of teacher evaluation for improvement to transpire. Principals’ leadership and collaboration among staff, union representatives, central office, and policy-makers was critical to successful implementation of the modified teacher evaluation process. Ownership felt by all stakeholders extended confidence for addressing continuing change and assured sustainability of the process.

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