This paper examines methods provided by both John Dewey and Amy Gutmann. Dewey’s method involves categorizing experiences and values amongst individuals. Gutmann’s method involves neutrality through equality of information and presentations. My question revolves around how to create a fairer democratic education system that allows individuals to critically analyze every-‐day information. My analysis and conclusion combine the two methods to form a better method and solution. The solution is that values and experiences need to be learned through unbiased neutrality in order for individuals to form unbiased social groups that make up society. This implies that some of our current social groups possibly have a wall of ignorance about them that doesn’t allow for fairness in a democratic education.
Recommended Citation
Wisneski, Taylor
"Neutrality’s Much Needed Place In Dewey’s Two-Part Criterion For Democratic Education,"
Acta Cogitata: An Undergraduate Journal in Philosophy: Vol. 3, Article 3.
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