Performer (Interviewee)
Ankita M. Kumar
Dr. You Li
Geographic Location
Ankita M. Kumar is a journalist, analyst, and product manager. During COVID, she covered several high-profile investigative stories on the pandemic in India for Deutsche Welle, Germany's international broadcaster. In 2020, she received a grant from the National Geographic Society's COVID-19 emergency fund to complete a written report on equal access to health care for women in the current Gurugram's urban slums. Kumar was relocated to the United States in 2021, and graduated with a master's degree from Northwestern University, specializing in media innovation and content strategy.
Kumar published several investigative stories that focused on underrepresented groups during the pandemic, including women in Gurugram's slums, cremation urns workers, migrant workers, and diamond polishers. In this interview, she revealed the unique challenges from family, community, and sources she endured to practice journalism as a woman in India. A journalist and a social worker, Kumar advised spending time building a trustworthy relationship with sources and maintaining objectivity in one's journalistic pursuit. She reviewed the difficulties of covering COVID at its peak while enduring the loss of a family member to the virus. The personal loss put her in a unique position to tell other people's suffering with compassion and empathy. She left future generations with lessons of loss and gains.
Interview Date
Eastern Michigan University Archives, Journalism, Women in journalism, India, mental health, investigative journalism, COVID-19, social work, support networks, underrepresented communities, migrant workers, National Geographic Society, freelance journalist
Eastern Michigan University Archives
Digital Object File Type
Run Time
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Recommended Citation
Li, You, "Ankita M. Kumar, Oral History Interview, 2023" (2023). Collective Memory of Women Journalists in COVID-19. 5.

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