
McNair Scholars Research Journal


In a country with 22 million people, Ghana faces inadequacies of staffing and on-site resources that are typical of sub-Saharan Africa. While the majority of the nation's populations still live in rural areas, health and human services are concentrated in the cities. These hospitals and clinics are in poor repair and maintenance is a challenge; managers need to cope with inadequate resources and nearly unlimited demands. Ghanaian health administrators are responsible for the general and medical administration of their facilities. The current training for such positions comes in the form of a master's degree and a one year placement in national service that leads to a certification. But there is no specificity of the training to the tasks that are required of administrators. There is no available systematic analysis of the skill sets that are required to do this work. Educational programs and specific, appropriate training for applications in Ghana, must be implemented to ensure equality management of the nation's health care facilities.
