
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at EMU


Sarah Ginsberg's contribution to this volume explores critical lessons that Sarah learned while teaching using a hybrid model in an introductory special education class. Sarah began the project with an interest in how students perceive hybrid teaching models (part in-class and part online). Given significant movement within the academy toward online and hybrid models, Sarah's insights into how students view this type of learning are important for all of us to examine. Students may not have embraced this model of education as much as they are purported to have done; they identify many of the same challenges (including lack of personal connection) that faculty members do.

What stands out in this chapter is the discussion Sarah engaged in with her students about reflection. As future teachers, Sarah's students no doubt benefited from her example of how teachers need to pay attention to what is happening in their classes, making mid-course corrections as needed. In actively reflecting on issues of big picture versus little picture learning with her students, Sarah brought students into the teaching and learning conversation.
