Date Approved
Degree Type
Open Access Thesis
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Department or School
Committee Member
Thomas Waltz, PhD, PhD
Committee Member
Claudia Drossel, PhD, PhD
Committee Member
Alexandros Maragakis, PhD
This experiment sought to explore whether an interviewer’s body language availability would have any effects on participants’ interactional engagement levels, positivity-negativity of interaction, and their nonverbal synchrony. Six participants answered questions about their well-being during a Zoom interview. Participants were exposed to three Near and three Far video framing conditions alternating every 10 min. Results showed that body language availability did not have reliable effects on the examined nonverbal communication indices. Time, however, did have some significant and close-to-significant effects on certain variables. Treatment reversal graphs showed that body language availability may reliably impact some participants’ responding. However, the rarity and variability of these patterns suggest that these relationships will be unlikely demonstrated in large-n research. The relationship between body language
Recommended Citation
Orkopoulou, Efthymia, "Exploring the effects of interviewer body language availability during a videoconference behavioral health interview" (2024). Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations. 1268.
Included in
Clinical Psychology Commons, Communication Commons, Language Interpretation and Translation Commons