Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Department or School

Leadership and Counseling

Committee Member

Dr. Ronald Williamson, Chairperson

Committee Member

Dr. Barbara Bleyaert, Committee Member

Committee Member

Dr. Murali Nair, Committee Member


Educators across America are attempting to prepare students for a world of rapid change, including globalization and the move from industrialization to the Age of Information (Marx, 2006). Dynamics of change include teachers, who encompass a wide range of generations and experiences (Marx, 2006). Each generation includes a set of value and belief systems (Oblinger, 2003). Each generation has been engaged in their learning experiences in differing ways.

The primary purposes of this study were to determine if there were relationships between teacher generation and teaching style, teacher generation and student engagement, and teaching style and student engagement. A survey of 53 teachers in five large Michigan high schools identified teachers’ generations and analyzed their preponderance towards five different teaching styles. Close to 3000 ninth and tenth grade students in the same high schools were also surveyed regarding nine different constructs related to student engagement.

A quantitative, non-experimental, correlational design determined relationships using the Pearson Product Moment statistical test. Five low relationships were found – teacher generation and the delegator teaching style, facilitator teaching style and three constructs of student engagement, and the delegator teaching style and two-student engagement constructs. Further research into these two teaching styles and student engagement constructs should be conducted. The more we learn about effective teaching practices and how they relate to the engagement of students, the more effective we can be in our teacher professional development and continuous learning programs.


Additional committee member: Dr. Jaclynn Tracy, Committee Member
