Date Approved


Date Posted


Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Department or School


Committee Member

Jin Bo, Ph.D., Chair

Committee Member

Catherine Peterson, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Norm Gordon, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Kenneth Rusiniak, Ph.D.


Bimanual coordination is an essential human function requiring efficient interhemispheric communication to produce coordinated movements. Motor deficits affect a variety of clinical populations, yet a complete understanding of bimanual coordination has yet to be achieved. Previous research suggests performance variability depends on the phase demands of the coordinated task and completing bimanual tasks may result in less variability than unimanual tasks, or a bimanual advantage. Also, handedness and musical/athletic experience have also been shown to influence coordinated performance. The present study examined the existence of a bimanual advantage and potential factors influencing coordination in a tapping paradigm. Results indicated that the strong-handed individuals displayed a strong bimanual advantage; whereas, weak-handed participants had a weak bimanual advantage. Variability did not differ by musical/athletic experience. In light of the present findings, relevant studies are needed to gain further insight into bimanual coordination and the underlying processes of motor movement.

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Psychology Commons
