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Streaming Media
Performer (Interviewee)
Christine Ro
Dr. You Li
Geographic Location
United Kingdom
Christine Ro, a freelance journalist based in London, the United Kingdom, covers subjects on international development, social justice, environmentalism, and pop culture. Her work has appeared in Nature, BBC, Forbes, and The New York Times, among others.
In this interview, Ro recalled her experiences reporting COVID. She used a solution-based and data-driven approach that relied heavily on scientific research findings to inform the public of policymaking and the impact of COVID-19. She shared the strategies and challenges of reporting subjects and contacting on-the-ground sources remotely in other countries during the pandemic. She also noted gender disparity in family care and the importance of including women's perspectives in journalistic reporting. Last, she commented on the positivities and limitations of societal responses to the pandemic.
Interview Date
Eastern Michigan University Archives, Journalism, Women in journalism, Pandemic, COVID-19, science reporting, freelance journalist, gender inequality, family care, U.K., misinformation
Eastern Michigan University Archives
Digital Object File Type
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Recommended Citation
Li, You, "Christine Ro, Oral History Interview, 2023" (2023). Collective Memory of Women Journalists in COVID-19. 10.
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