Submissions from 2023
Design and evaluation of a high-fidelity virtual reality manufacturing planning system, Hamza A. Al-Jundi and Emad Y. Tanbour
Towards an indoor gunshot detection and notification system using deep learning, Tareq Khan
Palladium enhanced iron active site - An efficient dual-atom catalyst for oxygen electroreduction, Qi Li, Liangmei Luo, Chenqi Xu, Shizhu Song, Yanqing Wang, Lifang Zhang, Yanfeng Tang, and John Texter
Computer-aided design application in determining minimum discomfort glare, Negar Heidari Matin, Ali Eydgahi, and Amin Gharipour
Sinusoidal RF simulations for optimized electroporation protocols, W. Milestone, Q. Hu, A. L. Garner, and R. P. Joshi
Engineering research methodology, Herman Tang
Quality assurance methodology, Herman Tang
Faculty Scholarship from 2022
A framework for fidelity evaluation of immersive virtual reality systems, Hamza A. Al-Jundi and Emad Y. Tanbour
Dual-curable coatings obtained from multi-functional non-isocyanate polyurethane oligomers, Hamidreza R. Asemani* and Vijay Mannari
Investigating the strategic interaction between QMS, organisational agility and innovative performance, Nicholas Coffin and Herman Tang
Performance outcome assessment of the integrated project delivery (IPD) method for commercial construction projects in USA, David Kelly and Benedict Ilozor
Poly(bromoundecyl acrylate) gels, Shuxiao Li, Harriet Lindsay, and John Texter
Organic-Inorganic Polymeric Compositions, Related Articles, and Related Methods, Vijaykumar M. Mannari, Himanshu Manchanda, and Hamidreza Asemani
An experimental investigation of methanol combustion in low temperature supercritical water, Andrew Mansfield, Ella Keena*, and Nanta Sophonrat*
The effect of smart colored windows on visual performance of buildings, Negar Hedari Matin, Ali Eydgahi, and Payam Matin
A data-driven optimized daylight pattern for responsive facades design, Negar Heidari Matin and Ali Eydgahi
Technologies used in responsive facade systems: A comparative study, Negar Heidari Matin and Ali Eydgahi
A novel framework for optimizing indoor illuminance and discovering association of involved variables, Negar Heidari Matin, Ali Eydgahi, Amin Gharipour, and Payam Matin
Modeling coupled single cell electroporation and thermal effects from nanosecond electric pulse trains, W. Milestone
Pickering emulsions and dispersions—an early perspective, John Texter
A framework for partner engagement: Episodes in the life of interorganizational partnerships, Shiri D. Vivek, Vivek Dalela, and Muhammad Sohail Ahmed
Faculty Scholarship from 2021
Quantitative analysis of the impact of inter-line conveyor capacity for throughput of manufacturing systems, Priyanka Raosaheb Dhupate* and Herman Tang
Continuum analysis to assess field enhancements for tailoring electroporation driven by monopolar or bipolar pulsing based on nonuniformly distributed nanoparticles, Q. Hu and R. P. Joshi
An intelligent baby monitor with automatic sleeping posture detection and notification, Tareq Khan