Dementia caregivers and live discharge from hospice: What happens when hospice leaves?
Document Type
Publication Date
Social Work
Publication Title
Journal of Gerontological Social Work
Hospice offers holistic support for individuals living with terminal illness and their caregivers. Some individuals receiving hospice services experience a slower decline in health as than expected, resulting in a ‘live discharge’ from hospice. A live discharge affects both patient and caregiver(s).The current study (N=24) explored the experiences of caregivers of adults with dementia who experienced a live discharge from hospice. Findings emphasize the comprehensive services covered under the Medicare Hospice benefit and those lost after a live discharge. Implications for social workers supporting caregivers are discussed, including the need to view the patient-caregiver unit during a live discharge.
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Recommended Citation
Wladkowski, S. P. (2017). Dementia caregivers and live discharge from hospice: What happens when hospice leaves? Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 60(2), 138–154.
S. P. Wladkowski is a faculty member in EMU's School of Social Work.