“It’s only a game of chance”: A portrait of gambling among street children in Mumbai
Document Type
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Social Work
Publication Title
Journal of Adolescent Research
For street children in Mumbai, gambling is mostly a social and recreational activity. This study is based on data gathered from a survey of 70 youths aged 12 to 24, two focus groups, and participant observation. It offers glimpses into various facets of their gambling, including age patterns, games played, venues, and how group and street subculture strongly influence participation. Street children perceive gambling as a “game of chance,” implying it is a form of recreation, not to be taken seriously. Given the pervasiveness of gambling and the absence of other recreational and money-saving opportunities, there is a need to design educational and preventive interventions for street children.
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Recommended Citation
Saldanha, K., D’Souza, B., & Madangopal, D. (2018). “It’s only a game of chance”: A portrait of gambling among street children in Mumbai. Journal of Adolescent Research, 33(6), 699–724. https://doi.org/10.1177/0743558416684949
K. Saldanha is a faculty member in EMU's School of Social Work.