"MAP-IT in action: Developing a plan to Improve the food systems freque" by Meriam Caboral-Stevens, Michelle Gee^ et al. DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.9.09.2019.p9345">

MAP-IT in action: Developing a plan to Improve the food systems frequented by Bangladeshi Americans living in Hamtramck, Michigan

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications


Background: Bangladeshi Americans are one of the fastest growing Asian minority groups in the United States, including in the state of Michigan. Bangladeshi Americans have a high prevalence of cardiovascular disease. An inverse relationship between the consumption of fruits and vegetables and the risk of CVD among Bangladeshi Americans was found. Method & Design: MAP-IT Framework was utilized as a strategic plan to create a sustainable healthy environment equipped with improved access to food systems frequented by Bangladeshi Americans living in Hamtramck, Michigan. This initiative is part of the collaborative agreement with the CDC Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) to improve the health of Asian Americans in Michigan. A windshield survey using observational data, Geographic Informational System (GIS) mapping, and quantitative and qualitative surveys will be conducted. Discussion: Foods eaten at home are dependent upon the availability of nutritious foods sold at grocery stores, smaller convenience stores, and/or retail stores. Food systems are complex and dynamic.


M. Caboral-Stevens and T.-Y. Wu are faculty in EMU's School of Nursing.

^M. Gee and M. Kachaturoff are EMU staff members.

Link to Published Version

DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.9.09.2019.p9345
