"The effects of concentric and eccentric training in murine models of d" by Morium Begam, Renuka Roche et al. 10.1002/mus.26906 ">

The effects of concentric and eccentric training in murine models of dysferlin-associated muscular dystrophy

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Health Sciences

Publication Title

Muscle and Nerve


© 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Introduction: Dysferlin-deficient murine muscle sustains severe damage after repeated eccentric contractions. Methods: With a robotic dynamometer, we studied the response of dysferlin-sufficient and dysferlin-deficient mice to 12 weeks of concentrically or eccentrically biased contractions. We also studied whether concentric contractions before or after eccentric contractions reduced muscle damage in dysferlin-deficient mice. Results: After 12 weeks of concentric training, there was no net gain in contractile force in dysferlin-sufficient or dysferlin-deficient mice, whereas eccentric training produced a net gain in force in both mouse strains. However, eccentric training induced more muscle damage in dysferlin-deficient vs dysferlin-sufficient mice. Although concentric training produced minimal muscle damage in dysferlin-deficient mice, it still led to a prominent increase in centrally nucleated fibers. Previous exposure to concentric contractions conferred slight protection on dysferlin-deficient muscle against damage from subsequent injurious eccentric contractions. Discussion: Concentric contractions may help dysferlin-deficient muscle derive the benefits of exercise without inducing damage.

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