Beyond the satisfaction survey for determining the effectiveness of professional development training: Harvesting direct data is doable

Document Type

Presentation or Lecture

Publication Date



In this presentation participants will explore, evaluate, and apply. Participants will explore examples of direct and indirect assessments that we used in an eight-year study determining the effectiveness of grant-writing workshops on the ability of faculty attendees to apply new learning to secure internal research grants. Assessments include longitudinal tracking of grant awardees (N=485) based on institutional data on faculty performance, models of successfully written proposals, feedback on workshops, and a satisfaction survey. Participants will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of collecting direct and indirect assessment data and apply useful aspects of our assessment model to their institutional context.

Conference or Event

2020 Assessment Institute: Leading Improvements in Higher Education


Session recording from presentation on October 27, 2020.

Presentation slides are below.

Peggy Ligigit is a faculty member in EMU's Department of Biology.

Julia K. Nims is a faculty member in EMU's University Library.
