"A comparison of Virginia band performance assessments in relation to d" by Heather Nelson Shouldice and Jessica L. Eastridge 10.1177/0022429420922137 ">

A comparison of Virginia band performance assessments in relation to director gender

Document Type


Publication Date



Music and Dance

Publication Title

Journal of Research in Music Education


© National Association for Music Education 2020. The purpose of this study was to compare the concert band assessments of male-directed ensembles and female-directed ensembles in the state of Virginia. Data included overall ratings of male-directed and female-directed bands (N = 3,229) that performed at District Concert Assessments held across the state in the past 6 years (2013–2018), which were publicly available on the website of the Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors Association. Results showed a statistically significant association between ratings and director gender at both the middle school and high school levels. In both instances, male-directed ensembles were more likely to receive a I rating, whereas female-directed ensembles were more likely to receive a II rating. This association was more pronounced at the high school level. Implications include a need for further exploration of possible bias in band festival rating systems as well as increased sensitivity to equitable hiring and representation of women in the field of secondary band teaching.

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