"Movement assay for the undergraduate neuroscience laboratory" by Cody R. Townsley*, Joseph M. Breza et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.ohx.2020.e00094">

Movement assay for the undergraduate neuroscience laboratory

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Described is a design for easy-to-construct apparatus that measures movement of flying insects suitable for the undergraduate teaching laboratory. The system does not require the purchase of specialized scientific equipment or software. The apparatus can be constructed and operated without advanced knowledge in electronics or programming. The goal of this apparatus was to expand upon previous research detecting insect flight in response to radiation. We improved upon the quantification and resolution of flight across differing intensities of white light. All of this was achieved using low-cost and commonly available materials and open-source software to collect and analyze data. The only substantial prerequisites for this design are a PC with a 3.5 mm microphone input and an understanding of basic electrical connections. The apparatus was validated with comparative physiological data from two different species of butterfly.


J. M. Breza is a faculty member in EMU's Department of Psychology.

T. G. Mast is a faculty member in EMU's Department of Biology.

*C. R. Townsley is an EMU student.

Link to Published Version

DOI: 10.1016/j.ohx.2020.e00094
