"Journeying toward liberation: Creating civic utopias through restorati" by Rae L. Oviatt, Megan McElwee et al. DOI: 10.9707/2168-149X.2330">

Journeying toward liberation: Creating civic utopias through restorative literacies

Document Type


Publication Date



Teacher Education

Publication Title

Language Arts Journal of Michigan


In this article, we forward three narratives from educators whose lived experiences moving from underrepresented youth to queer educators support the necessity of furthering representation for historically marginalized youth across classroom spaces. We begin with situating our argument in response to current policies that would seek to silence historically marginalized voices, histories, literacies, and thereby inhibit a more just social and civic future. Our narratives provide three varied perspectives of lived experiences as youth moving toward our current status as queer educators. Finally, we seek to call in other educators to engage advocacy and resources to support this work in challenging times.

Link to Published Version

DOI: 10.9707/2168-149X.2330
