Response and relaxation of a dense electron-gas in D dimensions at long wavelengths
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Physics and Astronomy
A formalism based on the generalized Langevin equation is used to obtain the dynamic response chi(k,omega) and relaxation function XI(k,t) of a dense electron gas in spatial dimension D for the low-momentum-transfer regime k << k(F). Our results agree with known results for D = 1, 2, and 3. In one dimension, the relaxation process is purely oscillatory. For D = 4, we find a temporal scaling behavior, i.e., self-similarity of relaxation functions at different hierarchy levels. And in infinite dimensions, the system shows a Gaussian relaxation. The formalism is also extended to apply to an interacting system.
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Sharma, N. (1992). Response and relaxation of a dense electron-gas in D dimensions at long wavelengths. Physical Review B, 45(7), 3552–3556. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.45.3552