
Submissions from 2005


Michigan, the Great Lakes state: An illustrated history, George S. May and JoEllen McNergney Vinyard

Taxation and representation: Pennsylvania bachelors and the American Revolution, John Gilbert McCurdy


Reevaluating Zulu religion: An Afrocentric analysis, Ana Maria Monteiro-Ferreira


An electrochemical study of the interactions between trace metals and humic substances in freshwaters by anodic stripping voltammetry with a thin mercury film rotating disk electrode, C A. Murimboh, J F. Deng, J Murimboh, and J W. Guthrie

At home in the Hoosier hills: Agriculture, politics, and religion in southern Indiana, 1810-1870, Richard F. Nation

Nigeria’s electoral challenge: What is to blame, the ballot-box or the political culture?, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor

The present and future of Black studies, Victor Oguejiofor Okafor

How MA-TESOL students use knowledge about language in teaching ESL classes, Jeff Popko

Laser surface thermal lensing (STL): An optical method for surface analysis of glass transition effects in transparent polymers, Nandita Prasad, Donald M. Snyder, and J. Marshall Thomsen

Altogether a horrible spectacle: Public executions in Nebraska, 1891, Steven J. Ramold


Hydroxyl and peroxy radical chemistry in a rural area of central Pennsylvania: Observations and model comparisons, Xinrong Ren, William H. Brune, Christopher A. Cantrell, and Gavin D. Edwards


"IM here": Reflections on virtual office hours, S. Roper and Jeanette Kindred


Investigation of the asymmetric characteristics and temperature effects of CdZnTe detectors, B. W. Strum, Zhong Heimpel, T. H. Zurbuchen, and Patrick L. Koehn


Analysis of spatio-temporal dynamic pattern and driving forces of urban land in China in 1990s using TM images and GIS, Guangjin Tian, Jiyuan Liu, Yichun Xie, Zhifeng Yang, Dafang Zhuang, and Zheng Niu

With a nod to Cosby, the black family channel steps up to the plate, Mary Ann Watson


Socio-economic driving forces of arable land conversion: A case study of Wuxian City, China, Yichun Xie, Y Mei, J G. Tian, and X R. Xing


Quantification of intrinsic water use efficiency along a moisture gradient in Northeastern China, M Yu, Yichun C. Xie, and X S. Zhang

Submissions from 2004


Measurement of hexanal production by myoglobin-induced lipid peroxidation using a miniature incubator and cryofocusing inlet system with gas chromatography and time-of-flight mass spectrometry, M Amunugama, C D. Clifford, P M. Gutman, and M Soltani

A beam chopping experiment to help students develop research skills, Ernest R. Behringer and Joseph A. Brincat


Speciated hydrocarbon emissions and the associated local ozone production from an automotive gasoline engine, S V. Bohac, D N. Assanis, and H L.S. Holmes

Kitchener’s war: British strategy from 1914 to 1916, George H. Cassar

Exploring the Duality principle from Digital Design Perspective, Ranjan Chaudhuri


Teaching bit-level algorithm analysis to the undergraduates in computer science, Ranjan Chaudhuri


Using the American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database in the classroom, Christine Clark and Robert Downs


Instituting heteronormative belief in the law: The case of California's proposition 22, Elizabeth Currans