"Seeing the unseen: Underrepresented groups in prime-time television" by Cherese E. Colston

Date Approved


Date Posted


Degree Type

Open Access Senior Honors Thesis

Department or School

English Language and Literature

First Advisor

Regina Luttrell, PhD

Second Advisor

Lolita Cummings-Carson, MA


Television is considered America's No. 1 pastime, occupying an average of four hours and 39 minutes of a person's time every day (Stelter, 2008). A majority of viewers are tuned in during prime time to live vicariously through their favorite fictional characters who reflect friends, family or even themselves. However, is prime-time television really representing everyone? The purpose of this study is to discover whether a media format as influential as TV reflects the people of the United States. This will be accomplished through coding the prime-time programing on major broadcast networks ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox and the CW.
