"Better social studies: Increasing content knowledge & reading simultan" by Ellen Rae Weaver

Date Approved


Date Posted


Degree Type

Open Access Senior Honors Thesis

Department or School

Teacher Education

First Advisor

Jacqueline LaRose


When considering the impact of the new set of educational standards coming into effect across the nation, commonly known as The Common Core, it becomes necessary to reevaluate the emphases given to the different subject areas being taught. These new standards are heavily steeped in the empowering act of reading in education. I believe that reading, instead of overwhelming content with its different instructional needs, can instead be used to rejuvenate subject areas. Since the content area dubbed social studies is a diverse and greatly varied teaching subject it has a multitude of applications in education.; yet, due to the extreme focus on Language Arts and Mathematics instruction, the potential of social studies instructions not pursued effectively. One aspect of this paper is to give an overview of standards past and presently the use of literature, both fiction and nonfiction across genre, will also be examined. A comparison of attributes associated with texts in regard to their use in the elementary classroom as they apply to both reading and social studies together will be features.

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