
Joanne Wisely

Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Senior Honors Thesis

Department or School

History and Philosophy

First Advisor

Ron Delph

Second Advisor

James Egge


The heart of civic life in Renaissance Florence was an open square called the Piazza della Signoria. The piazza was the site of debates, executions, and power struggles, making it the most contested space in the city. Florentines held tremendous pride in their republic and often commissioned sculptural works to represent their civic values, displaying them publicly in the piazza. This research examines the shifting messages of sculptural works in the Piazza della Signoria during three distinct periods: from the piazza's creation in 1300 until 1494; from the expulsion of the Medici in 1494 until their return in 1512; and after 1512 during the Medici’s reign as the Dukes of Florence.

Included in

History Commons
