
Somaya Eissa

Date Approved


Degree Type

Open Access Senior Honors Thesis

Department or School


First Advisor

Rusty McIntyre, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Natalie Dove, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Ann R. Eisenberg, Ph.D.


International students have unique acculturation experiences. There are several factors that can play a role in their acculturation process. This topic has not been widely investigated in midwestern middle sized universities in the United States. This study had four specific hypotheses. The first was that the assimilation model is going to be correlated to a stricter upbringing of the individual. The second was that the separation model is going to be correlated with higher religiosity. The third was that the integration model will be correlated with higher

levels of outgoingness. Lastly, that marginalization will be correlated with lower levels of self- esteem. Data was collected using a self-report questionnaire that measured the participants’

acculturation models and other factors such as personality traits, parenting style, religiosity, etc. Results have shown marginal support for the correlation between the integration model and higher outgoingness. However, findings failed to support the other hypotheses. Although the hypotheses were not supported, there were other significant findings. It was found that higher English fluency was negatively correlated with the separation model. Additionally, it was found that higher discrimination was correlated with the marginalization model. Moreover, the separation model was found to correlate with more negative views towards the United States. Finally, a negative correlation was found between religiosity and the marginalization model. This research could help universities better understand the international students’ acculturation processes, leading them to provide better support.

Included in

Psychology Commons
