"John Jickling, Campus in Review, 1968" by John Jickling
John Jickling, Campus in Review, 1968


John Jickling, Campus in Review, 1968


Streaming Media

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John Jickling was a noted Michigan architect until his death at 90 years old in 2012. His projects at the University of Michigan include the Gerald Ford Memorial Library, the Bentley Historical Library, and the Medical Research Building. He was instumental in developing the first set of master plans for Eastern Michigan University, and in this presentation, he reviews those plans, detailing the layout and organation of buildings and traffic on campus.


Architecture, Eastern Michigan University, Pease Auditorium, Welch Hall, greenway, campus planning, city planning

Permission To Use:

Permission to quote from this lecture or presentation should be requested from the University Archives (lib_archives@emich.edu).​

John Jickling, Campus in Review, 1968
