Edwin Waugh, "The Vice Presidency," 1968
Lecture or Presentation Date:
Born in 1901 in Mississippi, Edwin Waugh began his teaching career with MIchigan State Normal College in 1927, and retired from Eastern Michigan University in 1968. Along the way, Waugh published two books and advised a Senate subcommittee which drew up the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Waugh here discusses the office of the Vice Presidency of the United States - the various paths to the office, and the logic behind the institution of the office by America’s founding fathers.
Vice Presidency, Lyndon Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, founding fathers, John Adams, Executive branch, Senate, U.S. Congress
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Recommended Citation
Waugh, Edwin, "Edwin Waugh, "The Vice Presidency," 1968" (1968). Lectures and Presentations. 5.