"Timely assistance: A collaboration between campus librarians and instr" by Kate Pittsley and Bill Jones

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Final Report on a $25,000 LSTA Improving Access to Information Grant to the Eastern Michigan University Library from the Institute for Museum and Library Services administered through the Library of Michigan from October 2019 to October 2020. Final Report submitted October 30, 2020.

Grant Abstract: This project explores a collaboration between campus librarians and instructional designers to promote and expand a textbook affordability initiative. The EMU Library Textbook Affordability Initiative promotes adoption of open educational resources, other free materials, and online library resources that are free to students. These efforts have influenced classroom faculty practice and lowered barriers to successful degree progress for low income students. This project addresses two limits to expanding the reach and impact of the initiative: difficulty in getting the attention of busy faculty members and limited funds for library e-book versions of course titles. The instructional designers will help librarians reach faculty at a key point of need when requesting a new course through their automated system, thus increasing faculty awareness and use of library services to find free or affordable alternatives. The resulting increased demand for one of those services—providing library e-books for course reading—will be substantially met with the requested grant funds.
