Document Type

Breakout Session

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Learn how the University of Rhode Island Library renewed their freshman seminar information literacy sessions without reinventing the wheel. Get ideas for reviving your current presentation and engaging students, while providing first year students with a broad view of your library space and services in 50 minutes or less.

This renewed Library Experience program is an engaging and flexible three-part program that introduces students to a multitude of services, spaces and ideas about the who, what, when, where and how of an academic library. The new program reduces student boredom and librarian apathy through a model that accommodates differences in student population and subject focus. We reused materials developed during a collaboration with an LIS graduate student, and we recycled the previously existing program, giving it new life and spontaneity. Finally, the changes made in the content and delivery of the program were also aligned with recently revised student information literacy learning outcomes for the freshman class. As a result of our efforts, response to the program improved in all areas -- from students, librarians, mentors and instructors.
