May 2-4, 2013
Sheraton Nashville Downtown Hotel
Nashville, TN
Conference Theme: Creating an Information Literacy Playlist
Conference Proceedings Editors:
Brad Sietz, Director
Randal Baier, Susann deVries, Sarah Fabian, Sara Memmott, Robert Stevens
Eastern Michigan University
Preface, Brad Seitz
A New Spin on an Old Classic: Effective Online Database Instruction Using the “Guide on the Side”, Leslie Sult, Erica DeFrain, and Yvonne Mery
Apps for Scholarly Research: Implications for Discovery and Learning, Robin Canuel and Chad Chrichton
Double Live Gonzo! Double Your Impact with a Flipped Classroom, Bo Baker, Beverly Simmons Kutz, and Lane Wilkinson
Frame It In the News: Teaching Information Literacy Without a Research Paper, Willie Miller
From Bad Karaoke to Grammy Winners: Get Your Team in Tune, Carolyn Caffrey Gardner and Kim Pittman
Gracefully Dancing the Two-Step: Strategies for Highlighting Librarians as Instructional Designers, Michelle Costello, Kimberly Davies-Hoffman, and Corey Ha
I Hear the Train a Comin’: Common Core is Rollin’ 'Round the Bend, Susann deVries and Sarah Fabian
Information Literacy and the Social Network: Meeting the New Challenges of Using Facebook as an Educational Tool, Amanda Foster
I Saw the Light: Using a Survey of Freshmen English Faculty to “Illuminate” the Way to a Better Information Literacy Course, Stephen A. Sanders and Mary Lou Strong
I Want My NYT! Using Apps and News Databases to Help Students Gain News Literacy, Julie Piacentine, Rebecca Starkey, and John Kimbrough
Library’s Got Talent! New Library Instructors Discover Their Voices, Rebecca K. Miller, Chris Barb, and Tracy M. Hall
Measure by Measure: Composing and Rehearsing a Campus-Wide IL Rubric, Jim Kinnie, Mary C. MacDonald, and Elaine Finan
Orchestral Maneuvers for Assessment in Blackboard: Putting Together Harmonic Ensembles of Tools to Measure Short and Long Term Learning, Ethan P. Pullman
Research Swag Bag: Building a Student Research Takeaway, Jessica H. Long
Show Me, Show Me, Show Me: Performance Based Assessment in Library Instruction, Melissa N. Mallon
Strum a New Chord: Embracing the Uncomfortable & Switching to Learner-Centered Library Instruction, Courtney Eger and James Benner
Teaching as Virtual Repertory: Tuning Embedded Instruction to the Online Course, Jason Ezell
Telling Stories about the Library: Student-Generated Comics as Information Literacy Narratives, Matt Upson and Alex Mudd
The Ballad of the Librarian & the Infographic: A Tale of Data Visualization, Caitlin A. Bagley
‘The Only Prescription is More Cowbell!’: Collaborating to Bring Your Information Literacy Program to the Next Level, Jessica R. Olin
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go: Using Unlikely Examples to Engage Students in Information Literacy, Jean Cook
What’s Up Doc? Transforming Information Literacy Instruction with Documentary Films, Carrie Dunham-LaGree
Wikipedia as an Authentic Learning Space, Michele Van Hoeck
Interactive Workshops
Beyond the University Gates: Effective Methods for Teaching Career-Orientated IL Skills to Students in Professional Programs, Katherine Hanz and Jessica Lange
Conference Presentations and the Art of Asking Effective Questions, Christina Heady and Joshua Vossler
Fine Tuning the Group Activity Using the 4S Structure, Allison Hosier
Increasing Our Reach While Preserving Quality: Creating and Using Information Literacy Assessments and Rubrics for Non-Librarians, Rory Patterson, Angela Rice, and Jeremy Roden
Make it Pop: Integrating Visual Literacy into Your Teaching “Songbook”, Kaila Bussert, Ann Medaille, and Nicole E. Brown
Remix Your Data: Visualizing Library Instruction Statistics, Brianna Marshall and David Edward "Ted" Polley
The Qualtrics Tempo: Check the Pulse of the Class Using Qualtrics Research Suite, Lesley Moyo and Tracy Gilmore
Tune up your Pedagogical Questions for Effective Use of Classroom Response Systems, Emily M. Johnson
Lightning Talks
Information Literacy vs. the Demagogue: Are We Preparing Students for Informed Citizenship?, Mark Lenker
Take a Picture, It Will Last Longer! Using an Interactive Imaging Tool to Enhance Your Teaching, Rhonda Huisman