May 8-10, 2014
Amway Grand Plaza Hotel
Grand Rapids, MI
Conference Theme: Creative Visualization: The Art of Information Literacy
Conference Proceedings Editors:
Brad Sietz, Director
Sarah Fabian, Bill Marino, Sara Memmott, Robert Stevens
Eastern Michigan University
An Embedded Librarian: Who What, When, Where, Why, and How Well?, Heather James
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words - Or Is It?, Sharon Radcliff
A Tableau Vivant: A Multimodal/Multisensory IL Experience for the Teaching and Learning of Threshold Concepts, Kathleen Anne Langan
Collaborators in Course Design: A Librarian and Publisher at the Intersection of Information Literacy and Scholarly Communication, Catherine Fraser Riehle
Combating a Zombie Apocalypse Through Subject-Specific Research: A Topic Selection Practice, Alicia Salaz and Teresa MacGregor
From Recommendations to Reality: Designing Effective Online Tutorials, Lindsey McLean
Hope, Impressions, and Reality: Is a Discovery Layer the Answer?, Susan Avery and Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe
Information Literacy at the Crossroads: The Convergence Between the Research and the Writing Processes, Susan Ariew
Inquiry-Based Learning Online: Designing and Delivering a Blended and Embedded Information Literacy Program, Alan Carbery and Janet R. Cottrell
Instruction in Transition: Using iPad Driven Problem Based Learning to Enhance the Freshman Experience, Rachel W. Gammons, Melissa Gold, and Katie Stewart
In the Eyes of the Beholder: Finding the Beauty in Discovery Tools, Nikki Krysak and Nancy Fawley
Letting Gogh of the Traditional Lecture and Lab: Flipping the Business Information Literacy Classroom, Ilana Stonebraker
Library Instruction as Participatory Art: Engaging Students with Tablets and Active Learning, Jill Markgraf and John Pollitz
Look At It This Way: Scaffolding Critical Evaluation Using Images and Advertisements, John Watts and Emily Scharf
Looking into Infinity: Using the Deep Web as a Pedagogical Tool, Erik Radio
Making Our Own Canvas: How We Did a Comprehensive Review of Our Information Literacy Program, Anne Behler and John J. Meier
Mixing it Up: Librarian-Faculty Collaboration to Develop and Implement a Digital Learning Badges Program Promoting Information Literacy, Bee Gallegos, Dennis Isbell, Lisa Kammerlocher, and Virginia Pannabecker
Owning the Stage: Using Dramatic Theory to Improve Teaching, Lindsey Rae
Painting on an Electronic Easel: Strategies for Using a Smart Board in Library Instruction, Lindy Scripps-Hoekstra
Partnering to Picture a Plagiarism Prevention Pattern, Frances Whaley
Preparing Librarians to be Campus Leaders by Curriculum Mapping and Curriculum Integration of Information Literacy, Li Wang and Sharon A. Weiner
Preparing Students for the Real World: Giving Future Professionals a Palette of Practical Information Literacy Tools and Skills, Imelda L. Vetter
Ride, SALI, Ride: A Dashboard Approach to Instruction Program Management, Doreen Bradley and Laurie Sutch
Sculpting the Mind, Shaping the Student: Mindfulness Practices in the Classroom, Jill E. Luedke and Deborah Ultan Boudewyns
Simple Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Maps and Information Literacy, Andrew Battista
Smoke and Mirrors: Have You Been Faking Your Teaching?, Rhonda Huisman
Something Old Can Be New Again: Learning Commons Policies & Outreach Development, Nikhat J. Ghouse and Kawanna Bright
Tailoring Information Literacy Instruction with International Flair: Partnering for Global Reach, Anna Kozlowska
Talking Back(Channel): TodaysMeet in Library Instruction, Jordan Moore
Teaching the Law & Ethics of Image Use in an Age Of Appropriation & Piracy, Alexander Watkins
The Flipped Canvas: Inverting Information Literacy Instruction, Sara Arnold-Garza and Kimberly Miller
The Writing is on the Wall: Using Padlet for Whole-Class Engagement, Beth Fuchs
Users' Impressions of LibGuides: Feedback from a Student Focus Group, Rebecca Payne and Erin Carrillo
We're All in It Together: Professional Development Linking Multi-Type Libraries with Information Literacy Instruction Across One State, Cheryl A. McCarthy and Mary C. MacDonald
Zombies, Pirates, and Law Students: Creating Comics for Your Academic Library, Jennifer Poggiali, Katy Kavanagh Webb, Matt Upson, and Kim Allman
Lightning Talks
Low Hanging Fruit on the Vine: Leveraging “Vine” to Enhance Online Instruction, Chris Cannella
To Infinity and Beyond Videos: Creating a Coordinated Suite of Online Learning Tools that Engage Researchers and Enhance Learning, Elizabeth M. Johns
Under the Hood: Get Past Roadblocks and Successfully Integrate the Library into a MOOC, Meridith Wolnick