May 5-7, 2016
Westin Convention Center
Pittsburgh, PA
Conference Theme: Learning from the Past, Building for the Future
Conference Proceedings Editors:
Brad Sietz, Director
Randal Baier, Sarah Fabian, Bill Marino, Sara Memmott, Robert Stevens
Eastern Michigan University
Breakout Sessions
Adapting Design Thinking for Library Instruction, Elizabeth Psyck
Are You HIP? Building the Value of Libraries with High-Impact Practices, Ngoc-Yen Tran
"A Sample is a Tactic": Hip Hop Pedagogy in the Library Classroom, Alyssa Archer and Craig Arthur
A Surrealist Reframing of the Research Pyramid, Mary E. Fairbairn
Becoming Legit: Reimagining Instructor Support Through Communities of Practice, Jonathan McMichael and Laura Dimmit
"Breaking" Good: Becoming Integrated into Student Learning Communities, Michele Santamaria and Tatiana Pashkova-Balkenhol
Concept Inventories: Teaching Information Literacy Like a Physicist, Greg Szczyrbak
Connecting Through Cultural Diversity: Leveraging Campus Initiatives in the Creation of Library Embedded Curriculum, Emily Crist and Megan Allison
Crafting the Question: Get the Most Out of Your Student Response System, Ann Agee
Dread Data No More: Crash Course in Data Visualization for Librarians, Elizabeth M. Johns and Sara Oestreich
Everything in Its Right Place: Effective, Strategic, Differentiated Outreach, Meggan Press and Amy Pajewski
Everything We Do Is Pedagogy: Critical Pedagogy, the Framework and Library Practice, Jeremy McGinniss
From Wikipedia to Academia: A Transliteracy Approach to Undergraduate Instruction, Katherine Ahnberg
Gearing Up: Using Technology to Reinvigorate Instruction, Maggie Nunley, Paula Roy, and Meagan K. Christensen
Grappling with Information Issues: ReImagining the Credit-Bearing Information Literacy Course, Christy R. Stevens
Growing Your Instruction as the World Becomes Smaller: International Students and the Academic Library, Susan Avery and Kirsten Feist
Hashtag Outreach: Using Twitter as Subject Specialists to Integrate the Library in Classroom Discussions, Carolina Hernandez
Hindsight is 20/20: Garnering Institutional Support for the Implementation of Media Literacy in Science and Business Classrooms, Ashley Downs, Kelly LaVoice, and Kelee Pacion
How to Make Information Literacy Real: Reimagining Library Instruction to Prepare Today's Business Students for the Workforce, Cara Cadena and Elizabeth Martin
Making Information Literacy Flexible and Re-Mixable: Instructional Designers and Librarians Collaborate in the Canvas Learning Management System, Catherine Baird
Making the Invisible Visible: Metacognition and the Research Process, Susan Ariew and Sarah van Ingen
Mentoring Teaching Librarians: A Discussion of Possibilities, Pitfalls, and Best Practices in Supporting New Instruction Colleagues in Your Library, Lisa C. Louis and Steven M. Cramer
Mixing It Up: Teaching Information Literacy Concepts Through Different 'Ways of Learning', Lorna Dawes
Neighbors Helping Neighbors: Partnering with Undergraduate Research Offices to Present Scholarship as Conversation, Elise Ferer, Elizabeth L. Black, and Matt Upson
One Tutorial, Two Universities: How Technology Can Be Adapted to Meet the Needs of Multiple Libraries, Betsy Williams, Rita Kohrman, Justin Melick, Valerie Beech, and Eric Kowalik
On the Rhode to Success: DIY Designing a College Research Day for High School Students, Jennifer W. Thomas and Mary C. MacDonald
Playing with FIRE: Gamifying Library Instruction in a First-Year Experience Program, Kathrine C. Aydelott and Kellian Adams
Reaching Over the Fence: Building Partnerships with New Teaching Neighbors, Julia Feerrar and Rebecca K. Miller
Recycling the First-Year One-Shot Workshop: Using Interactive Technology to Flip the Classroom, Crystal Goldman and Tamara Rhodes
Reinvigorating a Library Workshop Series: Moving Workshops into the Online Environment, Mandi Goodsett
Reinvigorating Partnerships: A Case Study of Three Feeder High Schools with Varying Information Literacy Preparedness and Resulting Academic Library Interventions, Caitlin Gerrity, Anne R. Diekema, and Scott Lanning
ReModeling the Library Tour: Making the Space Come Alive, Matthew Pickens
Restructure, Recycle, and Renew: Moving to an Improved, Yet Sustainable, Information Literacy Program, Nancy Falciani-White
Revitalizing Information Literacy Curricula: Leading to Create Change After a College-Wide Assessment, Brandy Whitlock
Rework, Reuse, Reflect on Your Research: Writing Center and Library Collaborations, Holly Jackson and Jill Tussing
Rhetorical Reinventions: Rethinking Research Processes and Information Practices to Deepen Our Pedagogy, Donna Witek, Mary J. Snyder Broussard, and Joel M. Burkholder
Starting with "Yes, and...": Collaborative Instructional Design in Digital Scholarship, Kate Dohe and Erin Pappas
Stick It to the Wall: ACRL Framework Poster Collaboration, Jill Hallam-Miller, Nancy Frazier, and Benjamin Hoover
The Credible Hulk: Smashing Student Expectations Through Instructor Credibility, James N. Gilbreath and Katherine S. Eastman
This is an Intervention! Using a Campus-Wide Initiative and Assessment to Transform the Information Literacy Program, Anna Carlin and Charles W. Gunnels IV
Upcycle Your Audio: Creating Recorded and Live Web Audio Your Audience Can't Refuse, Diana M. Finkle
What Am I Doing and Why Am I Here?: Meaning, the Moment, and Combating Burnout, Megan Browndorf
Writing the Scripts for Interactive Library Skills Tutorials, Christine Bombaro
Lightning Talks
Cardboard Classroom: Strategies for Utilizing VR in Library Instruction, Matt Benzing
From Garbage to Garden: Composting Instructional Concepts to Improve LibGuides, Katy Kavanagh Webb