May 3-5, 2018
Royal Sonesta Houston Galleria
Houston, TX
Conference Theme: New Frontiers: Exploring and Innovating in Uncharted Territory
Conference Proceedings Editors:
Brad Sietz, Director
Kelly Getz, Bill Marino, Sara Memmott, Robert Stevens
Eastern Michigan University
Breakout Sessions
Abort Mission? Not So Fast! Using Classroom Management Strategies to Keep a Class from Going Down in Flames, Amy Cooper White
Aligning the Stars: Mapping Out a Collaboration Constellation, Hailley Fargo and Megan Gilpin
Beyond Reinventing the Library Scavenger Hunt: Teaching Library Literacy to FYE Students Using an Escape Room, Jennifer Pate and Derek Malone
Beyond the Library One-Shot: Scaffolding a Relevant and Authentic Foundation for First-Year Student Reseachers, Donna Harp Ziegenfuss
Breaking Down Traditional Territory Lines: Building Instructional Relationships Between Librarians, Archivists, and Discipline Faculty, Alyse Minter, Ashley Todd-Diaz, and La Shonda Mims
Choose Your Own Library Adventure: Gamifying Library Instruction and Training, Tricia Boucher, Megan Ballengee, and Lorin Flores
Close Encounters of the Library Kind: Assessing First Year Students' Introduction to the Alien World of an Academic Library, Dianna E. Sachs and Megan E. Brown
Collaborate, Teach, and Travel: Librarians and Study Abroad, Nancy Cunningham and Susan Ariew
Collaborative Development of a Flipped Instructional Model for a First-Year Experience Course, Anthony Stamatoplos
Composition of the Stars: Observing a Constellation of Data from Student Writing Award Submissions to Determine Success Indicators, Meghan Wanucha, Katy Kavanagh Webb, and Mark Sanders
Don't Panic: The Academic Librarian's Guide to Building Community Around the ACRL Framework, Trent Brager, Kim Pittman, and Amy Mars
Embedding Librarians in Undergraduate Research Methods Classrooms for Student Success, Faith A. Rusk, Suzan J. Harkness, and Ramon Rubio
"Fake News" and the Sociological Imagination: Theory Informs Practice, Hailey Mooney
Fake News, Lies, and a For-Credit Class: Lessons Learned from Teaching a 7-Week Fake News Undergraduate Library Course, Jo Angela Oehrli
Five Space Stations Use the Framework to Launch At-Risk First-Year Students into Information Literacy Orbit, Jessica M. Barbera, Marianne L. Sade, and Samantha S. Martin
From Inner Space to Outer Space: Connecting Autistic Students to New Information Worlds, Emily Carlin and Skyler Whittaker
From Launch Pad to Stratosphere: Following the Trajectory of Student Learning, Grace Kaletski-Maisel and Megan O'Neill
High-Velocity Videos: Exploring Lightboard Technology for Online Instruction, Lindy Scripps-Hoekstra and Cara Cadena
Launching Gamification to Propel the One-Shot to New Heights, LeAnn Weller and Katherine L. Kelley
Learning to be Lost in (Research) Space, Angie Cox
Making a Connection to the Mothership: Launching a Multimedia Instruction Program with Maximum Funk, Liz Holdsworth and Alison Valk
Making First Contact with Primary Sources: How Collaborating with Faculty and Library Special Collections Increases Student Engagement in Teaching IL, Paul C. Campbell and Miriam Intrator
Persistence and Teamwork for New Horizons: Exploring a Distributed Teaching Model in Support of Information Literacy Competencies, Isabel Altamirano, Marlee Givens, Liz Holdsworth, Ximin Mi, Fred Rascoe, and Karen Viars
Playing with Information in the Starfleet Academy: Gamifying the For-Credit Class, Stephanie Crowe
Pointing a Telescope Toward the Night Sky: Transparency and Intentionality as Teaching Techniques, Beth Fuchs
Reaching for the Stars: Building Effective Subject Specific Digital Learning Objects, Marc Bess
Scaffolding in Information Literacy and Writing: A Collaborative Approach to Assignment Design, Sarah Clark and Kathy Block
Search&Destroy: Playing Games with Students and Brief Words about Game Design for Information Literacy Instruction, Mari Kermit-Canfield and Gary Maixner
Space Invaders: Programmatic and Individual IL Efforts within a Core Curriculum, Amanda Starkel and Sally Neal
Successful Landings: The Impact of Information Literacy Instruction on Transfer Student Success, Nancy Fawley, Ann Marshall, and Mark Robison
The Virtual Librarian: Creating Innovative Technology for Your User Community, Shane Hand and Ben VanHorn
The Write Stuff: Cultivating and Assessing Grit in Framework-Based Teaching, Celita Avila, Karen Briere, and Ernest Tsacalis
We're Human, After All!: Human-Centered Approaches for Creative IL Curriculum Design, Rebecca Blunk
When the Stars Align: Successful Examples of Interprofessional Collaboration for eLearning and Instruction from a Health Sciences Library, Emily B. Kean, Don P. Jason III, and Edith Starbuck
Wild GooseChase: Launching Library Tours with a Mobile App, Jorge A. León Jr. and Robert Lindsey
Lightning Talks
Collaborating via Conferencing: How to Plan and Sustain an Information Liberacy/[Insert Discipline] Conference on a Shoe-String Budget, Ielleen R. Miller
You Can See Them from Space: Collecting 4,000 Post-its from Business Writing Students as Minute-Paper Formative Assessment, Heidi Blackburn