Transcript (90 KB)
On October 1, 2022, students from the EMU Archives and Oral History Program recorded stories of EMU students past and present. Using the EMU Aerie, the Archives’ mobile oral history recording booth, student oral historians captured the formative experiences and perspectives of EMU alums from a variety of campus eras. Here, alum Ron Paschal (class of 1969) describes his desire to be a teacher as one of the driving forces that brought him to EMU in the mid-1960s, and the importance of the the relationships formed at EMU in guiding his future career and personal decision
Interview Date
Eastern Michigan University, EMU Archives, EMU Oral History Program, Homecoming, Athletics
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Recommended Citation
Ashley, Connor, "Ron Paschal, Interview, 2022" (2022). Oral Histories. 113.
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