

Transcript (226 KB)


Lauren London is the General Counsel for Eastern Michigan University, and has been working at EMU for over a decade now. In this interview, London explains her decision to become a lawyer, how she became EMU’s General Counsel, and the challenges of being a Jewish person in the modern political climate. London describes her connection to Jewish Family Services, falling into the role as the project manager for the Afghan resettlement process, and the legality and logistics of opening up on-campus housing to the 12 Afghan families in 2022. London discusses future projects EMU hopes to work on relating to refugees, her gratitude to work at an institution that genuinely cares about people, and the things she does to practice self-care.

Interview Date

Winter 2-6-2024


Lauren London, law, lawyer, Jewish, Jewish Family Services, Eastern Michigan University, Afghan refugees, resettlement, housing

Permission to Use

Permission to quote from this oral history should be requested from the University Archives (

Streaming Media

Lauren London, Oral History Interview, 2024
