

Transcript (242 KB)


Hamzah Dajani is an international student from Jordan studying finance and accounting, and he currently serves as the Student Government President at Eastern Michigan University. In this interview, Dajani recounts his experience growing up in Jordan, how he became interested in math and finance, and how he decided to come to EMU. Dajani explains how he got involved in Student Government, his experience as an international student, the difficulties of adjusting to life in the United States, and the struggles of finding a job as a non-US citizen. Dajani describes how Student Government became involved in the Afghan resettlement process, helping move the Afghan families into on-campus housing, talking to the Afghan’s about their experience fleeing to the US, and his own experiences working with refugees prior to the Afghan resettlement.

Interview Date

Winter 2-13-2024


Hamzah Dajani, Student Government, Jordan, international student, refugee, Afghans, Eastern Michigan University, Oral History

Permission to Use

Permission to quote from this oral history should be requested from the University Archives (

Streaming Media

Hamzah Dajani, Oral History Interview, 2024
