

Transcript (206 KB)


Dr. Sadaf Ali is a professor of Digital Media, Cinema, and Journalism at Eastern Michigan University, and has been working at EMU since 2012. Ali recounts how she became interested in news media, what led her to pursue a career in broadcasting, and her career working in journalism and broadcasting prior to coming to work at EMU. Ali describes her commitment to covering diverse stories, creating audio story and writing an article for WEMU about the Afghan refugee led cooking class coordinated by Zuzana Tomas’s Academic Service-Learning class, and the cultural importance of food as a person of Pakistani descent. Ali also discusses how refugees are depicted in the media, being a second generation American, and future journalism projects she would like to work on.

Interview Date

Winter 2-8-2024


Sadaf Ali, journalism, broadcasting, news media, radio, refugees, Afghan, Eastern Michigan University, Oral History

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Streaming Media

Sadaf Ali, Oral History Interview, 2024
