"Cedrick Charles, Oral History Interview, 2024" by Cassandra Mitchell



Transcript (205 KB)


Cedrick Charles is an undergraduate student at Eastern Michigan University who has been very active in campus life, as he is involved in many student organizations and has participated in Student Government serving as the Speaker of the Senate (2021-2022), and Vice President (2022-2023). In this interview, Charles recounts his experience growing up in a large immigrant family, as his parents and extended family immigrated to South Florida from Haiti in the 1990s, and what immigration means to him. Charles discusses what led him to come to Eastern Michigan University, why he is pursuing a degree in economics and political science, and how he became involved in campus organizations and Student Government. Charles also explains how he became involved in resettling the 12 Afghan families into on-campus housing in 2022 as a result of his role in Student Government, recruiting volunteers to assist in the move in process, and discussions he had with personnel from Jewish Family Services of Washtenaw County to ensure the process went smoothly.

Interview Date

Winter 2-14-2024


Cedrick Charles, Eastern Michigan University, student government, immigration, immigrant, refugee, Afghan families, volunteers, Jewish Family Services

Permission to Use

Permission to quote from this oral history should be requested from the University Archives (lib_archives@emich.edu).

Streaming Media

Cedrick Charles, Oral History Interview, 2024
