"Tom Charbonneau, Oral History Interview, 2022" by Matt Jones


Matt Jones



Transcript (285 KB)


Tom Charbonneau was activ emember of the Arm of Honor Fraternity from 1972 until 1976, and now a member of the Arm of Honor Alumni Chapter. Growing up in Catholic school, Charbonneau grew up in Dearborn, eventually joining the Air National Guard before enrolling at EMU and pledging Arm of Honor. Charbonneau speaks of Vietnam War draft lotteries, and of his introduction to the Arms by their reputation in athletics, and by the fact that many of Charbonneau's friends and former coahces attended EMU and were members of Arm of Honor. Charbonneau speaks of his time as a Residential Advisor at EMU, Arm hazing rituals, his beest friend Steve "Tuna" Thompson, working at the Ypsilanti Beer Cooler, the housemother, fireside conversations, fraternity parties and command structure. He also speaks of Dr. Angelo Angelocci, Scott Rynearson, Marsh Plating, Bimbo's On The Hill, and other Ypsilanti establishments.

Interview Date



Ypsilanti, Michigan, Eastern Michigan University, Arm of Honor, Ann Arbor, fraternities, sororities, Greek Life, Track and Field, college athletics, intramural athletics, baseball, wrestling, coaching, initiation, hazing, drinking, Larry Mathewson, John Norman Collins, Motown Records, Brown Hall, McKenny Union, Roverts Rules of Order, dating, 1960s, racism, radicalism

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Permission to quote from this oral history should be requested from the University Archives (lib_archives@emich.edu).

Streaming Media

Tom Charbonneau, Oral History Interview, 2022
