"Allen Myers, EMU Roles and Perspectives Interview, 1972" by Robert Hoexter
Allen Myers, EMU Roles and Perspectives Interview, 1972

Allen Myers, EMU Roles and Perspectives Interview, 1972



EMU Roles and Perspectives was taped television program broadcast from the campus of EMU, and produced by Robert Hoexter (1930-1978). Hoexter joined the faculty at the EMU School of Education in 1964, and served as Coordinator of Graduate Advising from 1969-1971. A member of the Faculty Senate from 1973-1976, Hoexter was elected vice-chairman from 1974-1975, and chairman, 1975-1976. In this episode of Roles and Perspectives, Hoexter interviews Allen Myers, then Dean of the College of Education at EMU. Allen Myers came to EMU in 1958, serving as head of the Department of Special Education and Occupational Therapy, and as Dean of the School of Education from 1969-1975, when he returned to the classroom as a faculty member with the Department of Special Education. In this interview, Myers gives historical perspective to the rapidly changing role of EMU in the field of teacher education, calling EMU a “microcosm” of education colleges across the nation. Teacher colleges were moving away from the use of lab schools due to the advanced and sophisticated opportunities available to teachers post-college.

Interview Date



Teacher education, special education, Eastern Michigan College of Education, Michigan Normal School

Permission to Use

Permission to quote from this oral history should be requested from the University Archives (lib_archives@emich.edu).

Streaming Media

Allen Myers, EMU Roles and Perspectives Interview, 1972
