Senator Gilbert Bursley, EMU Roles and Perspectives Interview, 1972
EMU Roles and Perspectives was taped television program broadcast from the campus of EMU, and produced by Robert Hoexter (1930-1978). Hoexter joined the faculty at the EMU School of Education in 1964, and served as Coordinator of Graduate Advising from 1969-1971. A member of the Faculty Senate from 1973-1976, Hoexter was elected vice-chairman from 1974-1975, and chairman, 1975-1976. In this episode of Roles and Perspectives, Hoexter interviews Senator Gilbert Bursely. Gilbert E. Bursley was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, February 28, 1913. He was educated at the University of Michigan (A.B., 1934) and the Harvard Business School (M.B.A., 1936). Prior to his election to the Michigan State House of Representatives in 1960, Bursley had a varied career in the military as military attaché in Turkey after World War II, as United Nations peacekeeping observer in the Middle East in the 1950s, and as United States Information Agency head in portions of Africa. Returning to Michigan, he served as chairman of the Ann Arbor Republican Party, 1958-1959, then in 1960, he won election to the Michigan House, serving two terms, then in 1964, he was elected to the Michigan Senate, where he served until 1978. After leaving office, he became president of Cleary College in Ypsilanti, Michigan. He died in September 1998. In this interview, Bursely discusses the relation of redistributed tax dollars to quality education. Stating that the state needs to play a greater role in the oversight of
Interview Date
Public education, Serrano Decision, Senator Gilbert Bursley, Detroit Public Schools, education legislation
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Recommended Citation
Hoexter, Robert, "Senator Gilbert Bursley, EMU Roles and Perspectives Interview, 1972" (1972). Oral Histories. 31.