"Robert Smith, September 27, 2018" by Rachel Burns and Matt Jones



Transcript (117 KB)


Robert Smith is an alumnus of Eastern Michigan University who graduated from the university in 1971. During his time at EMU, Smith was involved with the Black Student Association and Campus Service Corps. Smith was instrumental in the creation of Black Demands and the takeover of Pierce Hall in February 20th, 1969. Smith graduated from Eastern in 1971 with a double major in history and graphic arts. Smith went on to serve the communities of Detroit and Highland Park in roles at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, Wayne State University, and the Highland Park School District.

Interview Date



Black Student Association, Campus Service Corps, Eastern Michigan University, student protest, demonstration, Ypsilanti, African American Studies, equal representation, academic programming, civil rights, takeover, 1960s

Permission to Use

Permission to quote from this oral history should be requested from the University Archives (lib_archives@emich.edu).

Streaming Media

Robert Smith, September 27, 2018
