Drama/Theatre for the Young, Rain, Wind & Sun Tales, ca. 1975


Drama/Theatre for the Young, Rain, Wind & Sun Tales, ca. 1975


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The Drama/Theatre for the Young graduate program was founded at Eastern Michigan University in the early 1960s. This performance of "Rain, Wind & Sun Tales" is an example of the program's focus on drama and theatre in terms of developmental purposes, community engagement, theatre for young participants, and theatre for intergenerational audiences. Students in the program work with local schools, and are involved with traveling productions, as well as main stage performances. Many students end up directing their own productions, or even writing their own scripts as part of their theses or final projects.


Drama/Theatre for the Young, "Rain, Wind & Sun Tales, " Eastern Michigan University, Eastern Michigan University Archives

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Permission to Use - Permission to quote from this performance should be requested from the University Archives ( lib_archives@emich.edu).​

Drama/Theatre for the Young, Rain, Wind & Sun Tales, ca. 1975
