Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Exploring racial ideology and coping as moderators of the association between experiencing racial microaggressions and psychological outcomes in black college student, Terrence Harper II
Development and validation of a measure of cybersexual addiction, Monica M. Lackups-Fuentes
Motor functioning in childhood survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Kaitlin Oswald
Contributors to processing speed deficit in old age: A focus on history of obesity and medical conditions, Melissa E. Pulcini
An examination of attribute trade and weight stigma in online dating, Rachel Sienko
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Application of learned industriousness theory to brain injury rehabilitation: Examining the effect of effort training on task engagement, Aimee M. Giammittorio
Identifying risk for atypical parenting behavior using prenatal profiles of interpersonal trauma experiences and PTSD symptoms, Katherine L. Guyon-Harris
Understanding urgency in borderline personality disorder: disinhibition or impulsive emotion regulation?, Amy Paggeot
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Working memory and symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, Alison Margaret Colbert
Predictors of harmful sexual behaviors in a normative population, Matthew A. Poinsett
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
The impact of experiential avoidance on the relationships among military sexual trauma, excessive behaviors, and health-related outcomes in female veterans, Natalie Kate Nugent
Theory of mind in youth and emerging adults with chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, with and without comorbid mood disorder, Amy K. Olszewski
Can videogames be addicting? An investigation into the specific game features and personal characteristics associated with problematic videogame playing, Gregory Pouliot
Visual attention shifting in autism spectrum disorder, Annette E. Richard
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Social facilitation of polydipsia as an animal model of compulsive behavior, Zina Ameed Eluri
Relationship predictors of prenatal maternal representations of the child and parenting experiences one year after birth, Kylene Krause
Analysis of beta-band MEG coherence in ASD during direct gaze processing: Relationship to social cognition, Aimee Marie Moore
The association between attachment-related trauma and adult representations of attachment and the role of maternal mental health, Syreeta Scott
The development of a self-report questionnaire to measure problematic video game play and its relationship to other psychological phenomena, Anatol Tolchinsky
Deaf female-to-male (FTM) identity explored, Mel Whalen
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
The development of a dyadic assessment for families experiencing, Sarah Cline
An examination of psychological risk factors for the development of substance abuse among post-bariatric surgery patients, Valentina Ivezaj
The impact of a group-based acceptance and commitment therapy intervention on parents of children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, Jennifer D. Kowalkowski