"Vice President Alben Barkley, Centennial Address, 1949" by Alben Barkley
Vice President Alben Barkley, Centennial Address, 1949


Vice President Alben Barkley, Centennial Address, 1949


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Alben Barkley was United States Vice President under President Harry Truman. In this address, Barkley gives a thorough summary of the role of education in the last 100 years of the nation. Discussing the United States of America from its founding through World War II, Barkley explains that only through education can Americans overcome the fear that has permeated the American psyche in the wake of WWII.

Speech Date



Alban Barkley, World War II, Michigan State Normal College, United States Constitution, American Civil War, founding fathers, radio

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Permission to Use - Permission to quote from this speech should be requested from the University Archives ( lib_archives@emich.edu).​

Vice President Alben Barkley, Centennial Address, 1949

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