Clyde Ford, Centennial Address, 1949
Dr. Richard Clyde Ford was appointed head of the Department of Foreign Languages at Michigan State Normal College in 1903. An experienced world traveler and expert on the state of education in Michigan, Ford here gives an overview of Michigan State Normal College. Given in the context of the growth of Ypsilanti, Ford’s summary of MSNC features a biography of John Pierce, to whom Pierce Hall was being dedicated at the MSNC Centennial Celebration. The buildings on campus, states Pierce, are a present testament to the men and women who labored to grow the College to its current (1949) form. Ford also explains the connection between the creation of a school and the creation of culture.
Speech Date
Richard Clyde Ford, Pierce Hall, John Pierce, Michigan State Normal College, westward expansion, Great Migration, Ypsilanti
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Recommended Citation
Ford, Richard Clyde, "Clyde Ford, Centennial Address, 1949" (1949). Speeches. 17.